Fake mail is e-mail which appears to be from someone other than the actual sender. Fake mail was initially usually used to stage practical jokes, but is now utilized primarily by e-mail spammers. How to Send Fake Mail To send fake mail, first `telnet` to port 25 of the machine you want the fake mail to appear to originate from. This will connect you directly to the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) daemon running on that host. Next, enter SMTP commands by typing them directly to the SMTP daemon. Enter Read More
When Internet Explorer stops working, users may be unable to access the Internet if there are no other browsers installed on their computer. If the Internet Explorer icon is missing, users can load Internet Explorer by opening the Start Menu, opening the “Run” application, entering “iexplorer.exe,” and clicking OK. If Internet Explorer is not running at all, however, there are still several techniques that users can try. Ensure that an Internet Connection is Established If Internet Explorer is displaying an error message such as “Internet Explorer cannot be displayed,” Read More
A fingerprint reader is a device that uses electricity or light to analyze a person’s fingerprint. Fingerprint readers are now commonly used in the security industry to authenticate an individual before he/she is permitted to access a system or device. For example, a home computer user may have a USB fingerprint reader installed that serves as a login device. Instead of entering a password, the user simply places his/her thumb on the fingerprint reader. The computer only allows access if that person’s fingerprint matches the one on file. Fingerprint readers Read More
Cydia, or Cydia Store, is a collection of downloadable applications for iOS. Cydia is made for Mac, iPod, iPad, and iPhone. It provides users with applications that are not available in the Apple iStore. How to Install Cydia In order to install Cydia, open a web browser on the iPhone, visit http://www.jailbreakme.com , and click the “Free” button. The program will then install itself and you will have instant access to Cydia’s extensive collection of both free and commercial applications. Despite the ability to download the software, the majority of Read More
The telephone was invented on March 10, 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. Despite the fact he is the one coined with making the phone, there were others who were doing the same research. Only a few hours after Bell filed for his patent, Elisha Gray filed for a patent as well. Therefore, in the 1860s and 70s, people were obviously ready for the phone to be released. And, when it was released, the first words used were, “Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.” The telephone works by Read More
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