An integrated circuit (IC), also called a microchip, is an electronic circuit etched onto a silicon chip. Their main advantages are low cost, low power, high performance, and very small size. History The integrated circuit was invented in 1958 by Jack Kirby (1923-2005), an American engineer. In 2000, he won the Nobel prize in physics for his integrated circuit. This basic design has evolved over the last half century to reach the level of the modern computer chip, which has millions of transistors on a thumbnail size piece of silicon. Read More
How to Use Google Earth
What is Google Earth? Google Earth is a compact program that Google created and provides for free. It allows users to visit nearly any location on the planet in a virtual environment. Google Earth is similar to Google Maps but has much more functionality and can be downloaded to the user's computer. By using multiple geosynchronous satellites combined with GPS monitoring systems and the Google Search Engine, Google Earth is able to locate and show the user a recent image of any location. For example, Google Earth can be used Read More
How long can my URL’s be?
While there is not single specific value to determine the maximum length of a URL, users should be aware that variances in standards can cause different results. HTML3 imposes a 1024-character limit to attribute values, while HTML4 has no such restriction. There is no set minimum or maximum URL length, but some applications do have length restrictions; Internet Explorer imposes a 2084-character limit. Other variances in maximum URL length can occur inside web servers themselves as they may have an internal query-string limit. When this internal query-string limit is broken, Read More
Anisotropic Filtering
3D graphics use anisotropic filtering to enhance the image quality of textures on sloped, rendered surfaces. The technique eliminates polygon aliasing, which causes pixelated or jagged polygons in 3D graphics. Additionally, the anisotropic filtering technique reduces the blurring of sloped textures and is the successor to previously used techniques such as bi-linear and tri-linear filtering. It does not change the shape of the polygon to which the texture is applied to achieve these effects. It only modifies the manner in which the textures are mapped and subsequently displayed in the Read More
How to Delete a Yahoo Account
Yahoo is a company that primarily deals with search engine operations and personalized account management. Yahoo includes Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Answers, FreeCycle, and a complete directory of classifieds that rivals Craigslist. Yahoo also features local weather forecasts, stock market management, and news based on the user’s interests and preferences. How to Create a Yahoo Account Users can create a Yahoo account by going to the official Yahoo Homepage and clicking “Sign Up” in the top right hand corner. From here, the user can create his/her personal Yahoo email address Read More
How to Change the Google Chrome Theme
Google Chrome is a browser that Google created that allows users to manage Google products and services while browsing the Internet. Google Chrome is naturally fast, highly efficient, and provides users with a vast collection of plug-ins to choose from. By managing Google products via Google Chrome, users are able to check their email, stay logged into their YouTube and Blogger accounts, and easily trace their own history in order to visit previously accessed websites. Google Themes Google Themes is a Google Chrome feature that allows the user to change Read More
Rogue Wireless Access Point
A Rogue Access Point is a Wi-Fi Access Point which is setup by an attacker for the purpose of sniffing wireless network traffic. 802.11 (Wi-Fi) utilizes SSIDs (Service Set IDentifiers) to authenticate NICs to wireless access points. There is no similar protocol for authenticating wireless access points. It is possible to place a rogue wireless access point into an 802.11 network. This rogue wireless access point can then be used to hijack the connections of legitimate network users. When a legitimate network user turns on his computer, the rogue wireless Read More
How to Block Someone on Facebook
When you block someone on Facebook, you don’t delete them from your listing, but they are unable to see your profile, so it’s as effective as deleting someone. In the same feature to block someone, you can also send a message to Facebook support about why you’re blocking them–this comes in handy when someone has been offensive and has broken the Facebook terms of conditions in any way. To block someone, log on to your Facebook account. When the page loads, you’ll be viewing your news feed. If the person Read More
Web Directory Scripts
Free Web Directory Scripts Linker Linker is a category search engine which has a fast and stable structure, convenient usage and a lot of functions. Linker allow you to easily create and manage a Yahoo or AltaVista style category site. You will not find a better category indexing program anywhere. Cool site, Newsite make function Pick site, pick site first priority order function Review and comment function Poll and graphic chart analysis poll score Multiple keyword Search Search keyword highlight, powerful extend search function 3 step New mark (different mark Read More
Where to Find Motherboard Manuals
Motherboard manuals can be very handy if someone needs to change a BIOS setting, recover a lost BIOS password, or do other important computer-related tasks like upgrading. Here are download locations for motherboard manuals from popular manufacturers: Asus Asus motherboard manuals may be downloaded from ASUS download site. ASUS offers three ways of finding downloads for your specific motherboard. You can search by the model name or serial product number (third option below the main search area). You also have an option to use their software to automatically detect the Read More
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