How to Uninstall Internet Explorer
Uninstalling Internet Explorer because it is giving problems or for any other reason is a relatively simple task.
How to Uninstall Internet Explorer
- Click the “Start” button on the desktop’s bottom left hand corner.
- Double click “Control Panel.”
- The Control Panel window will open and display a variety of tasks.
- Double click “Add or Remove Programs.”
- The “Add or Remove Programs” window opens and displays a list of programs on the computer.
- Find the version of “Internet Explorer” that is installed on the computer. Click it once to highlight it.
- Then click the “Change or Remove” button and follow the instructions.
For some Windows users who have installed a service pack recently, Internet Explorer is not available in the list of programs in the “Add or Remove Programs” window. The alternate to this in Windows XP is to choose the “Add/Remove Windows Components” on the left hand side of the “Add or Remove Programs” window.
The Windows Components Wizard opens and allows the user to add or remove a Windows component by placing or removing a check mark next to it. Remove the check mark next to Internet Explorer and click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page to uninstall Internet Explorer.
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