PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) is a computer bus used for attaching peripheral devices to a computer motherboard. It is the most popular local I/O bus used in today. PCI provides a shared data path between the CPU and peripheral controllers in every computer models, from laptops to mainframes. Developed by the Intel Corporation, PCI first appeared in computers in 1993 and co-existed with the ISA bus for several years. It soon displaced the ISA and VESA local bus and became the standard expansion bus used in PCs. Today, most computers Read More
The Boot Manager (BOOTMGR) is the bootloader of the Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008 operating systems (OS). The computer's BIOS loads the program upon startup and will start the bootloader for the OS and other required programs. The NTLDR preceded it on older versions of the Windows OS. What Problems Can Occur with BOOTMGR? Unfortunately, the BOOTMGR may display a number of errors due to varying circumstances. Some of the common BOOTMGR errors are a result of operating system upgrade errors, corrupt hard drive sectors, a damaged Read More
Physical Layer
The Physical Layer is the lowest layer in the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model of computer networking and is used to transfer electrical signals that represent data from one place to another. While the Physical Layer does not represent data itself, it does provide a means for that data to move. Essentially, the Physical Layer represents the hardware of a computer network and consists of everything from the circuit boards and wires to the storage devices and media readers. How The Physical Layer Works The Physical Layer consists of Read More
RAM (Random Access Memory)
RAM (Random Access Memory) usually refers to “temporary” memory, meaning that when the system is shut down, the memory is lost. This is why the memory is considered “random,” as any piece of information can be circulated through the memory regardless of its location and relation to any other information within the RAM. The first of the many RAMs to come in the market was created in 1951 and was used until the late 1960s and early 1970s. Types of RAMs The most widely used RAMs today are SRAMs (static Read More
Understanding Group Types and Scopes
A group can be defined as a collection of accounts that are grouped together so that Administrators can assign permissions and rights to the group as a single entity. This removes the need for an Administrator to individually assign permissions and rights to each account. Therefore, while a user account is associated with an individual or entity, a group account or a group is created to simplify the administration of multiple user accounts (users). When permissions are granted to a group, all accounts that are part of that particular group Read More
MSN Display Pictures
MSN display pictures are simply JPEG or GIF files that you can download from various sites on the Internet and use as your Passport ID and even your MSN Messenger. You can either set your MSN display picture as visible to all users or choose not to display a MSN display picture. Using Pictures on your Computer You can choose any JPG, GIF or photo file stored on the hard disk of your computer as a MSN display picture. If there are no good photos or pictures on your hard Read More
How to Setup a VPN
A Virtual Private Network, or VPN, is a type of computer network that uses the Internet to create a secured connection between specific parties. For example, if a company wanted to connect its main offices, multiple buildings, and a number of home users without allowing access to the general public, the company would most likely use a VPN. A VPN works in a similar way to instant messaging software by using the Internet to connect multiple users together without letting the general public into the conversation. While a large number Read More
The BizTalk Server Document Tracking Feature
Center Document Tracking Feature The BizTalk Document Tracking feature is used to track BizTalk Server document processing. Through the Document Tracking feature, you can track documents, track specific fields of the documents, and determine the state of BizTalk Server document processing. All tracking data is stored in a SQL Server database. BizTalk Server stores information associated with the document. You can specify which information should be tracked and stored. Members of the BizTalk Server Report Users group can use Document Tracking. The Tracking database collects metadata on documents when document Read More
How to Convert RAR
What is RAR RAR is a file format for compressed and archived files that was made popular by WinRAR, a free alternative to WinZIP. RAR stands for Roshal Archive and is used for data compression, data preservation/error recovery, and data encryption. RAR is most oftenly used to transfer files over the Internet because it can hold many different files and entire folders in the same .RAR file. RAR files are often combined with parity files in order to ensure that the data reaches its destination without failure. How To Manually Read More
How to Find an SSID Number
Over the past decade, wireless network use has grown from just something done in computer science departments at universities to something done in the home, restaurants, and just about anywhere. SSID (Service Set Identifier) is the term that describes the wireless network name. It distinguishes between networks that may be in range of a device being used to connect to the Internet via wireless connection. The SSID is commonly confused with the network security password. However, it is not used for that purpose. How to Find an SSID Number Windows Read More
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