A cable tester is an electronic device that is used to verify that a cable connection is reliable. Cable testers are often used in television and Internet applications to ensure that the customer’s service will function properly once all cables are connected to the appropriate devices. Cable testers can also be used to test electrical wires in houses, car engines, and virtually any device that includes a power cable or other electrical wiring.

How Cable Testers Work

Cable testers consist of a power source, a switching matrix, as well as a voltage meter and/or a light bulb. When a technician connects the cable tester to a cable, the built-in power source is used to send an electrical current down the cable, while the switching matrix is used to ensure that the current reaches all contact points throughout the cable. In the case of resistance tests, the voltage meter is used to measure the voltage and current throughout the cable so that the technician can calculate the cable’s resistance. In the case of a continuity test, a light bulb is used to detect a valid current.


Cable testers have many different applications, all of which involve ensuring that a cable or wire is working properly. This is a very important task in electrical engineering, as it ensures that all devices will respond as expected and that there are no problems in the future. Although anyone can use a cable tester for various projects, cable technicians who represent telephone and cable companies are the ones who most often use cable testers.


Cable testers are advantageous because they are easy to use and are fairly inexpensive. They are also small and portable, allowing residential and commercial users alike to carry the cable tester with them to various locations. Additionally, cable testers provide results immediately upon connecting them to a cable, use very little electricity, and depend on battery power.