All radio spectrum is legislated or controlled. The FCC requires licenses to operate on some bands, and lets other frequency bands run unlicensed.

Radio Services Which Require a License

Some of the licensed radio services include:

Acronym Full Name URL
HAM Amateur
GMRS General Mobile Radio Service

Radio Services Which Do Not Require a License

Some of the unlicensed radio services include:

Acronym Full Name URL
CB Citizens Band
FRS Family Radio Service
MURS Multi-Use Radio Service

While unlicensed, there are still restrictions placed on usage and equipment.

Obtaining Your Radio License

The process of gaining your Technicians License for the Amateur HAM bands is:

  1. Not difficult
  2. Educational

I recommend becoming licensed because it will increase your enjoyment of amateur radio.

For more information on obtaining your radio license, visit the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) at go directly to the FCC’s Univeral Licensing System at


In most cases, you do not need to be licensed to operate a scanner. Some juristictions place restrictions on scanner usage. “Mobile” usage (i.e., while in a vehicle) is prohibited in some areas. Check you local laws. Also, it is generally illegal to utilize a scanner “in the commision of a crime”.

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