How to Draw Simple Flowers

A good beginner Illustrator tutorial showing how to draw simple flowers.

Cartoon Clouds Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to create Light and fluffy clouds

Create the "sky" that the clouds will drift through by drawing a sky blue rectangle with the Rectangle Tool. My preference is to cover the entire artboard and resize it later, if necessary. When done, lock this layer and name it "Sky"…

3D Cylinder Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to create 3D Cylinder

Select the entire circular object. Use the selection tool to drag the center bottom handle on the bounding box up to resize the artwork vertically. Deselect the artwork…..Illustrator Tutorials

Aqua Balls Tutorial

A tutorial shows how to create Opacity Masks that lend a photorealistic touch

Use the Ellipse Tool to create a circle and apply a black & white gradient fill from the Toolbar, selecting "Radial" from the Gradient Palette (Window > Show Gradient). Before going further, make two (2) copies of this black & white gradient circle each on their own layers…..

Distortion Effect Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to use Distortion to transform an object

Select the star tool in the Illustrator toolbox, and drag to draw the star. (The star tool is in the same toolbox group as the ellipse tool.) This star will be the leaves behind a flower. Select a green fill for the star in the Swatches palette or Color palette….

Motion Trail Text Effect Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to create a cool Fading 3D Trail in Fireworks

Type your text on the canvas. In this tutorial a different color is used for each character in the text so that the final visual effect is eye-catching……

Knotworking Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to make a Knot in Adobe Illustrator

Using the pen tool, draw the knot's lines. Don't worry about crossings yet. Just draw each line that makes up the knot. Now set the width of your line(s) using the Stroke palette's weight box…..

Custom Brushes Tutorial

A tutorial that shows methods for generating Pattern Brushes from vector elements

Select the Ellipse tool, and tap it on your canvas to call up the Ellipse dialog. Enter width and height values of 100 points.Set the fill of the circle you just created to a light gray. Set the stroke to "none."…

Transforming Shapes Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to modify and transform shapes with ease in Illustrator

Here is a Transform palette, used to make simple transformations to objects like those seen to the left. You can specify the position of the object by using the X and Y fields, and you can also change the size of the object by using the W(idth) and H(eight) fields…

Weaving a ribbon through text Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to weave a ribbon through text

Create the txt.Create the stroke.Select the text with the selection tool. Go to Object > Expand….

Transition between two objects Tutorial

A tutorial that shows how to create a smooth transition between objects

Click the first object, and then Shift-click the second one.We're using two circles in the example. Notice the size and color differences between the circles, and watch how Illustrator handles the transition between them in the blend path….

Masking in Adobe Illustrator

Learn all about masking and create two effects in this tutorial.

Dynamic Art in Adobe Illustrator!

Check out this cool way to make your artwork so it is updated automatically from now on!

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