Official ink cartridges are expensive when compared with the cost of refilling them. The price of new cartridges is so high, some consumers resort to buying a new printer when they run out. The printer manufactures argue that without expensive cartridges, printers would cost a lot more. That is probably true, but the consumer doesn't have to play that game.

Messy Refills

Ink cartridge refill kits contain everything required to fill an empty cartridge . The no-brand kits have an ink bottle and syringe, while the professional kits have an ink-filled bulb with a needle attached. Almost all kits come with rubber gloves, and for good reason.

Refilling ink cartridges can be messy, but most people become good at refilling after a few attempts. The bulbs are the easiest and cleanest method, and they can usually be found next to the official cartridges.

Ink Cartridge Refills

Risky Refills

Using refilled ink cartridges voids the warranty of most printers. The latest trick is to use a unique computer chip on the cartridge that tells the printer it's genuine. If the same chip is found after a certain number of prints, the printer will permanently record this as proof that refilled cartridges were used.

Printer manufacturers argue that refilled ink cartridges can damage a printer. While the occasional no-brand kit will have watered-down ink that can ruin printers, many professional refills come with a warranty against printer damage. Besides, new printers are released every six months, cheaper and better than the last model. The main concern for consumers should be how well their prints look when using ink refills.

Print Quality

Black and white prints should not look different with ink refills, but color prints may have different colors, or the colors will be less vibrant. However, even refill kits can't compete with department store photo labs for price quality and convenience.

As long as you don't expect top quality photos, and don't mind a bit of mess, refilling inkjet cartridges can save you a small fortune. But the most satisfying part is beating the printer manufacturers at their own game.

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