Streaming audio involves transmitting music files over the Internet in real-time and playing it on a client-side computer as it arrives. Streaming is different than podcasts because it allows for continuous, live music rather than scheduled uploads. Streaming is often used for music, talk radio, and live web events by radio hosts, politicians, and even average people. Streaming audio can be entertaining, useful, and fun but to do it, the user needs a service that allows them to stream audio to the Internet. Several of these services are listed below. Read More
Affiliate programs are a way to make money with your website without actually selling anything. Affiliate programs enable the webmaster (publisher) to display advertisements and be paid for doing so. Types of Affiliate Programs There are three types of affiliate programs: Pay Per Impression (PPI) Pay Per Click (PPC) Commission Pay Per Impression (PPI) Affiliate Programs Pay Per Impression (PPI) affiliate programs pay the webmaster (publisher) a very small amount of money each time a user sees an advertisement. Pay Per Impression (PPI) programs have become significantly less popular with Read More
MODx is a PHP driven content management system/framework (CMS/CMF) that is designed to help developers create and maintain sites without much programming. The CMF also includes an extendable applied programming interface to allow power users to extend the framework to fit individual or company needs. It does not have the steep learning curve that other CMSs on the Internet do. Many MODx CMSF users face the problem of getting the MODx parse error after performing a significant site upgrade/update or database modification. What is the MODx Parse Error? The MODx Read More
HTML special characters allow us to improve the presentation of our web documents quickly and easily. Description Numeric Alpha Presentation left single quote ‘ ‘ right single quote ’ ’ single low-9 quote ‚ ‚ left double quote “ “ right double quote ” ” double low-9 quote „ „ dagger † † double dagger ‡ ‡ per mill sign ‰ ‰ single left-pointing angle quote ‹ ‹ single right-pointing angle quote › › black spade suit ♠ ♠ black club suit ♣ ♣ black heart suit ♥ ♥ black Read More
An acceptable use policy is a set of rules applied by website owners and networks, created to restrict the ways in which the site or the network may be used. AUP documents are also used by universities, corporations, Internet Service Providers, and schools. The acceptable use policies are also integral parts of information security polices; it is a common practice to ask the new members of an organization to sign an AUP before giving them access to its information. And for this reason, an AUP have to be clear and Read More
A content management system–otherwise known as a CMS–is a piece of software that runs on a server. As the name suggests, the software is intended to manage content. The overall goal of a CMS it to make it easier for the average Internet user to publish content on the web. Without having to go in and code new pages using HTML, a user could update a website with just a few clicks. A CMS took the focus away from the coding and the design and instead focused it on the Read More
Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) is a markup language used for speech synthesis applications that is based on XML–the set of rules used to encode documents electronically. SSML is one of three of these types of markup languages that allow for voice created functionality within Internet browsers and email programs. The ultimate goal of SSML is to provide applications that enable a person to–instead of having to use a mouse and a keyboard–use their voice to offer commands for tasks such as searching the Web, responding to email and appreciating Read More
XML (Extensible Markup Language) has become one of the most widely used methods to represent information in a self-describing format across computing devices running all manner of operating systems and programming languages. XML is designed to transport and store information independent of how it may be viewed, displayed, or otherwise processed in a simple, formatted manner. Similar to HTML in concept, the qualities of XML allow it to be used as a universal data format that web services and other applications can leverage to build complex web services or Read More
Hotlinking, also known as deep linking, occurs when one web site links directly to graphics files on another web site. The site which serves the images pays for the bandwidth. The site which links to the images gets free content for its users. Many webmasters object to being hotlinked to, but hotlinking is difficult to prevent. Preventing Hotlinking with Apache On an Apache web server, you can use mod_rewrite and .htaccess to prevent any web page other than your own from accessing your graphic images. Your .htaccess rule to block Read More
A JavaScript redirect can be used to redirect a visitor from one webpage to another. This could be your site moving to a new domain. Some download sites have a time delay during redirections, which is basically the JavaScript redirect in action. If you are having some external servers mirror your site for you, you would need JavaScript redirect. Implementing the JavaScript Redirect First open up your HTML page (most often the index.html) and within the tags, place the following code: <script type=”text/javascript”> <!– window.location = “” //–> </script> Note Read More
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