A quantum is the most basic physical unit that is involved in any type of interaction. For example, a quanta (plural) is the transfer of different energy particles such as photos and bosons when discussing matter. Because of the Latin of the word quantus meaning "how much," it can be concluded that when discussing quantum, it is because of the idea that there is a quantifying of the energy. In other words, a quantum allows for a physical property to be quantified. Because it can be quantified, it means that physical properties can have a magnitude of a specific numerical value rather than a wide range which provides physicists with more exact information.
Quantum Theory
Quantum theory is a set of five ideas that represent what scientists look at when dealing with the quantum. These five main ideas of quantum theory are:
- Energy comes in discreet units and therefore is not continuous. It can be broken up in chunks.
- The particles behave like particles; however, they also behave like waves.
- These particle waves move around in a completely random way.
- It is impossible to know the position and momentum of one of these particles. As either the momentum or position becomes more precise, the other becomes less precise. Therefore, gaining knowledge of the position exactly means that the momentum will not be known at all.
- The world that humans live in is entirely different than the atomic world.
The Copenhagen Interpretation
According to a researcher, Niels Bohr, "nothing is real unless it is observed." This became known as the Copenhagen Interpretation. Because a particle – when discussing quantum theory – is able to exhibit both particle like behavior, but also wave like behavior, the question arose: how do we know which is which? His response was that a particle is what described as what it is being measured for. This means that if a particle is being measured, it is a particle. If a wave is being measured, it is a wave. Most importantly, though, is the fact that it is useless to give meaning or existence to something that has not first been measured.
Quantum Physics is an ever expanding field of physics. The most important to take it from it is the final step of the quantum theory. The atomic world is nothing like the world that we live in. Trying to create some sort of an explanation using human world understanding would only further complicate it. Because of quantum theory, numerous other fields of study have opened up to make life considerably more efficient and productive.
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