The Oersted (Oe) is the unit of measurement for a magnetizing field that is also known as an H-field, intensity, or a magnetic field. The Oersted was named after a Danish physicist and philosopher, Hans Oersted, who discovered the connection between electricity and magnetism in 1819. Who was Hans Oersted? Hans Oersted was a Danish philosopher and physicist who is most famous for discovering electromagnetism. This discovery led to research circles placing a significant amount of focus on notable scientists, Ampère and Arago’s electrodynamic research. The scientific community then discovered that electrically Read More
A metamaterial is artificially designed and its properties are not found in nature. It generally gains its properties through construction rather than its composition. In fact, metamaterials are usually made from extremely interconnected bonds at the nano level. This allows them to be used in applications that involve manipulating light, sound, vibrations, microwave radiation, or other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Metamaterials also allow an object to be lighter, more durable/flexible, or be more electrically conductive. How Metamaterials Work A metamaterial is generally fabricated at the nano level in a laboratory Read More
What is Stereolithography?
Stereolithography is a recently discovered process by which products, especially prototypes, can be constructed one layer at a time by using UV-curable photopolymer resins and a UV laser. While stereolithography cannot create every type of material, it produces a wide variety of products for testing, analysis, or review. Stereolithography can be used for a wide variety of applications and is most widely used to produce prototypes for the 3D printing industry. How Stereolithography Works Stereolithography is a complex process that requires a vat of liquefied, UV-curable photopolymer resins. A UV Read More
Electric Field Strength
Electric field strength refers to the intensity of an electric field and is a measurement of the amount of energy present in an electric field. Electric field strength plays a major role in power grids, electronic equipment, electromagnetic devices, and a variety of other electrical systems. This is because devices must be able to calculate how much electricity is coming into the system, how much electricity is being directed towards a specific function, and how much electricity each function requires in order to safely power a wide variety of appliances. Read More
What is Microfarad?
The term microfarad is used to describe a unit of capacitance that is 0.000001 farad. The symbol that represents a microfarad is µF. It is commonly used in utility alternating-current and audio frequency circuits. The capacitors that are found in them normally have a rating of 1 µF or more. However, even smaller capacitors are used in radio frequency systems. In this case, the picofarad (pF) is used instead of the microfarad. Audio frequency circuits use capacitors that are rated from 0.01 µF to 100 µF, and the capacitance in Read More
Rail Guns
Rail guns are weapons that use electrical current instead of gunpowder to propel their projectiles. A projectile is any object thrust into accelerated motion with the influence of force. Projectiles in motion can be propelled by pushes, pulls or, in some cases, both push and pull. The armaments and weapons industry's continuous development has had a great role in the scientific quest for the perfect object propulsion. One technology has been very promising through the years and has shown time and again to be the future of weapons manufacture: the Read More
What is a Magnetometer?
Magnetometers are scientific instruments that measure the direction and strength of magnetic fields in the device’s location. They are used on Earth as well as in space exploration missions due to the magnetic fields’ significant variations based on the nature of the environment, interaction of charged particles from the sun, and the magnetosphere. Why are Magnetometers Used? Magnetometers not only measure a magnetic field’s local strength, they also determine their own direction and orientation. A magnetometer’s design is often tweaked to match the specific device quality that is most important Read More
How Do X-Ray Machines Work?
The Parts of an X-Ray Machine There are three main parts of an x-ray machine. The first is the x-ray tube. This is responsible for the creation of x-rays. Therefore, without this functioning properly, there would be little chance for the x-ray to work in the right way. It generates enough x-rays so that when they are sent toward the body, they are able to read what the doctor needs. The next element is the high voltage power source. This is important because there are a lot of components that Read More
Electroluminescent Wire
Electroluminescent wire (EL wire) is a thin wire that produces 360 degrees of visible light. EL wire differs from string lights, such as Christmas lights, which only produce light at specific points. It uses a phenomenon known as electroluminescence to generate light when electricity runs through it. EL wire is very thin and flexible and can therefore be used in various ways, especially decorating. How to Make EL Wire A thin strand of copper that is coated with a layer of phosphor is the first piece of material used to Read More
What is a Pitot Tube?
A pitot tube measures pressure levels in liquids. They are most commonly seen in laboratory settings but can be seen in industrial applications as small cylinders. While a pitot tube is not the only device that measures fluid pressure, it is capable of being implemented in much more diverse environments than similar devices. How Pitot Tubes Work A pitot tube is simply a small cylinder that faces a fluid so that the fluid can enter it. Because the cylinder is open on one side and enclosed on the other, fluid Read More
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