There is a house in my neighborhood whose roof is completely covered by solar panels, and is owned by someone who is apparently selling them. Just yesterday I noticed they brought up a huge new surface in their yard covered with solar panels, as if trying to tell the passerby’s (of which there are many) that the time for solar energy has come. There are more than a few good arguments for making solar energy the primary new energy source. The sun is a fundamental source of energy in our Read More
There’s a whole slew of new memory technologies coming up, all of which could be on the market within just three years, and all of which promise tremendous improvements in speed, capacity, and power efficiency. Those of us tech savvy enough to at least know we have DDR3 memory in our machines might expect DDR4 to be the next generation of memory, running at even greater speeds, and perhaps supporting even greater capacities. But as it turns out DDR4 is just one of the runner ups for the future of Read More
How quickly do things change when it comes to HP this year. Just earlier this year they were talking about emulating Apple’s strategy of end-to-end control of both software and hardware where webOS would be HP’s equivalent of iOS. Fast forward to now and under the guidance of the new CEO they are giving it up to the open source community, hoping other device makers pick it up and use it. The reaction of the technology press has varied from proclaiming this as the beginning of the end for webOS Read More
I was on multiple occasions tempted to get an IPTV service with its convenient access to a number of always available TV channels from FOX Life to Discovery Channel to CNBC, yet every time I ended up wondering what would be the point as I reminded myself of all the stuff I get without a monthly subscription using software like Boxee on my PC. First off, the sheer amount of great video content now available from various exclusively Internet based media companies like Revision3 which I can watch on demand Read More
There is a growing number of people who recognize and reject the rigidity of modern society. They see it treating human beings as machines that run a prewritten program, and individuals themselves treating their lives in that manner as well. This is seen as a relic of the industrial revolution which brought about the idea that everything can be structured into a machine-like efficient process, even human lives. So we have this well known, well worn path. Kindergarten, school, college, getting a job, getting married, staying in shape, advancing up Read More
Apple's iPhone may still be the king in the growing smartphone market, but Android based phones have a lot to offer including perhaps a few things that may make iPhone users somewhat envious. Here is a selection of fun and useful Android apps. Some are just extremely useful, and others could be very fun, but all of them demonstrate just how capable and entertaining an Android smartphone can be. I've also included QR code images so you can get an app instantly by just scanning it with an app like Read More
The first tablet running the brand new Android 4.0, also known as Ice Cream Sandwich, is priced at only $99 USD. The tablet is called Novo7 and is made by Ainol Electron from Hong Kong. At such a low price we might expect modest specs, but this tablet actually delivers respectably. It features a 7-inch capacitive touch screen, a front facing camera and a 2 megapixel back camera, both WiFi and 3G connectivity, USB 2.0, HDMI 1.3, and a microSD slot. Its internal architecture is a bit of a novelty Read More
Here’s a yet another seemingly far fetched piece by yours truly, talking about such things as choosing between the potential destruction of all humanity and evolving endlessly into a god like race. Intrigued? I’m obviously not the only one to think in such dramatic and marginal terms. In addition to the hordes of nerds entertaining similar thoughts as part of their science fiction entertainment we have Steven Hawkins, that wheelchair scientist that everybody loves, telling us yet again to get off this rock or die. Being immobile, stuck to his Read More
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