Have you just bought a new computer and are scared of finding yourself having to manually input the addresses of your old bookmarks? Or would you simply like to share your bookmarks with a friend? Not to worry, either way – just follow the instructions below, which are specific to Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Transfer methods in other web browsers may vary slightly. How to Transfer Bookmarks in Internet Explorer Launch Internet Explorer on the computer that you would like to export your bookmarks from. Press <Ctrl>+I to drop Read More
A floppy disk is a non-volatile, magnetic storage device that can be read and written to by a floppy disk drive. Floppy disks were once the most infamous form of storage and were used to store a wide variety of files, including executable files, text files, and small audio clips. Before the advent of the personal hard drive, programs were separated into dozens of small files and stored on floppy disks, which would then have to be inserted one after another into a computer in order for a program to Read More
Mapping a network drive is extremely quick and easy. When someone maps a network drive he/she is configuring a file folder on a remote computer that can share files or folders of data over a Local Area Network (LAN). Users can map a network drive with Window Explorer if they are running Windows XP. Users can also use the MS-DOS prompt to map their network drive. Map a Network Drive in Windows XP Right click on the start button and select Explore, then the menu bar will appear at the Read More
Point to Point protocols are used in Linux as kernel drivers and PPP daemon (pppd) or services. HDLC is data link protocol is installed on kernel as physical layer protocol for serial devices. When you have installed this module already then you do not need to install a serial device like external modem which is attached to any of serial ports. Internal modems need some special drivers for device installation and hardware detection software detects internal modem while initial operating system is installed when system is restarted first time. Kudzu Read More
A volcano is any opening in the Earth’s surface that allows molten rock and volcanic gases to escape from far below the Earth’s surface. Although many volcanoes are mountainous in shape, a volcano can exist in nearly any form, including volcanic vents on the ocean floor, ice volcanoes, which have been found on a variety of other planets, and volcanoes that are simply a crater in the ground. Despite the variances in the shape of volcanoes, they all erupt in relatively the same way. The process begins when the pressure Read More
L2TP (Layer Two Tunneling Protocol) defines an extension to PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) that an ISP (Internet Service Provider) uses to allow a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to operate. L2TP combines L2F from Cisco Systems’ optimum features and PPTP from Microsoft into a single protocol. L2TP’s two primary components are the LNS (L2TP Network Server) that terminates and authenticates the PPP stream and the LAC (L2TP Access Concentrator) that physically terminates a call. How does L2TP Work? The L2TP initiates a tunnel between an LAC and an LNS on the Read More
A driverless car (also autonomous/autopilot/auto-drive car) refers to a car that does not need human intervention to function. The first driverless car achieved a maximum speed of 20 miles-per-hour and was built by Tsukuba Mechanical Engineering Laboratory in 1977. The Mercedes Benz robot van built during the 1980s achieved a full speed of 60 miles-per-hour using vision guidance. Subsequent projects like VaMP, the S-Class Mercedes-Benz, Demo I, II and III of DARPA and VITA-2 were able to achieve higher speeds and accuracy using saccadic computer vision, transputers and other advanced Read More
An IP address is the numeric label or sequence of numbers that is assigned to a computer or device used on the Internet or a local area network. It is a means of identification and determining the user's address online. When an IP address is blocked, network connections to or from that address are not permitted. An IP address can only be blocked through a firewall that is installed on the computer. Windows users have two options for blocking an IP address: 1) Through the built-in Windows firewall or 2) Read More
A computer’s BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is software that sets up the operating system by locating various hardware components and telling the operating system how to use them. Updating BIOS will minimize the amount of time it takes for the computer to boot up, correct compatibility issues, and improve the computer’s overall performance. The computer or motherboard manufacturer will periodically update BIOS to repair bugs, add compatibility with new devices, and make other hardware corrections that can speed up the computer’s boot time and fix other issues. These updates are Read More
Pharming is a process whereby plants and animals are genetically modified to become carriers of genes that stimulate the production of substances that have useful pharmaceutical applications. Thus, the term pharming is actually a play on the words pharmaceuticals and farming. To explain the process in simple terms, a foreign gene is introduced into the carrier plant or animal (the gene is foreign because it is not naturally occurring in the host's system). After the intervention, the animal or the plant, as the case maybe, becomes the factory of the Read More
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