traceroute is a command which is used to trace the route of a packet through a TCP/IP network. traceroute is a Unix command. Under Microsoft Windows, the traceroute command has been renamed `tracert`. Unix `traceroute` and Microsoft Windows `tracert` are designed to accomplish the same task, but differ in the way they display output, in the way they send test packets, and in the number of command line options they provide. Sample `tracert` output This is the result of tracing the network route to C:>tracert Tracing route to Read More
What Causes Copper to Turn Green?
Copper turns green because of a process known as oxidation which is the removal of electrons from the substance. Specifically, copper turns green because of something known as copper carbonate. This is the substance that is found on top of copper–whether they be copper pipes, pennies, statues or anything else. So, the cause of copper turning green is copper carbonate. However, the big question is: why does copper carbonate appear? When a metal comes into contact with air or water, it undergoes environmental changes. In other words, it might rust Read More
Power Converter
A power converter is a power supply unit (PSU) that not only delivers energy to an electronic device from an electrical outlet, but also regulates the current to meet the devices specific requirements. If you have any type of sophisticated electronics such as computers, laptops, high end audio equipment, cell phones etc, the odds are they also incorporate a power supply unit that also regulates the current. Most power converters are usually called Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS); they include a power supply unit and a circuit inside the unit Read More
Speech Recognition
Speech recognition has various applications. It can be used in automated phone systems that allow the users to input choices and browse through menus without pressing any keys. Speech recognition systems are also used in businesses and homes to allow users to dictate to their computers and have their words transcribed into their word processing applications. They are currently being used for legal, medical or other transcription needs. Speech recognition also offers a method for giving computer commands. With voice instructions, users can command their computers to browse through folders, Read More
How to Track a Stolen Laptop
More consumers are purchasing laptops for personal and business use. Unfortunately, the number of stolen laptops has increased with this rise in laptop purchases. Most consumers do not plan for the possibility of being robbed, and lose a significant amount of personal and sensitive data as a result. The police never find many of these stolen computers. The open source Prey Project provides both free and low cost options for retrieving a stolen computer and supports the Windows, Linux, and OS X operating systems (OSs). Other commercially based stolen laptop Read More
How to Create a Folder in an iPhone
Before the iOS 4 was released with the iPhone 4, none was built into the iPhone 3G or previous models. In the iOS4, a folder is considered to be a group of apps that is accessed by tapping a single icon on the iPhone home screen. Once tapped, the home screen main area will slide up, fade, and display the folder contents. Once the apps are displayed, tap on any of the subsequently displayed app icons to open the program. What Are the Limitations on iPhone Folders? In the iOS Read More
Error c2664
C++ supports both implicit and explicit type casting of variables. Error c2664 is displayed while developing C++ when an incompatible conversion is encountered. This can occur if a class is created and an implicit constructor conversion is attempted while an explicit keyword is in the code statement. Type Casting in C++ Converting an expression into another is referred to as “type casting” in C++. The language supports both implicit and explicit type casting. When implicitly converting one variable into another, no operator is required prior to the variables. This is Read More
Migrating from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange Server 2003
Differences between Exchange 5.5 and Exchange Server 2003 Environments Exchange version 5.5 worked well in smaller organizations. Exchange 5.5 deployments typically consisted of Exchange servers being at each remote location, and with no more than thirty users. The main Exchange 5.5 design limitations are summarized here: The degree of stability offered by Exchange 5.5 is open to discussion. Exchange 5.5 stability was typically realized through the following means: Keeping public folders and message routing isolated from the mail-message services. Keeping the size of the Databases small. With Exchange 5.5, designs Read More
How to Unlock a GoPhone
GoPhone is the trademark used by AT&T/Cingular to market their pay as you go cell phones. Most customers will eventually want to switch to a more normal post-pay cell phone plan, and many of them will want to take their cell phones with them. Unfortunately, the GoPhones are "subsidy locked." This means that the GoPhones can only be used on the AT&T/Cingular network — until you enter an unlock code. Unlocking GoPhones AT&T/Cingular will tell you the unlock code for your GoPhone, but only under certain specific conditions. These conditions Read More
As the demand for higher video quality increases, the video technologies that are available will also improve. Several video technology companies are producing televisions that are capable of showing high resolution images in the 1440p range, which is a 1440 pixel vertical resolution. So, with the standard 16:9 resolution format, a 1440p television would be capable of having a 2560 pixel horizontal resolution. This is a 77% increase in the amount of pixels in a 1080p resolution television’s image, which is a very large increase in the amount of visual Read More
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