If you use Microsoft Windows or other applications that require passwords to gain access to specific functions, you may have noticed that these passwords are never shown, but represented by an asterisk (*). Asterisks are used quite commonly not only with Window’s passwords, but almost any passwords that you come across online or in applications. For instance, when you sign into a web email program such as Yahoo! Mail, you will be asked to input your username and password. Your username will be represented by the exact characters you originally Read More
L band is a fequency range between 390MHz and 1.55GHz which is used for satellite communications and for terrestrial communications between satellite equipment. The high frequencies utilized by C band, Ku band, and Ka band would suffer from high signal loss when transported over a copper coax cable such as an Intra-Facility Link. An LNB is used to convert these higher frequency bands to L band, which can be transmitted over the IFL and processed by the IDU. Some satellites transmit on L band, such as GPS satellites.
A Trojan virus is a piece of software designed to look like a useful file or software program but performs a possibly nefarious function once installed on a client computer. The virus takes its name from the “Trojan Horse” from Greek mythology setup outside of the city of Troy. Trojan horse viruses differ from other computer viruses in that they are not designed to spread themselves. Instead Trojan horse malware is either delivered as the payload of another virus or piece of malware or through manual end-user action by downloading Read More
A bandwidth monitor is a computer application that is able to monitor the bandwidth of a particular network. Bandwidth monitors are able to keep track of the current network speed for both uploads and downloads, the amount of data transferred, the computer’s IP address, and the network card address. By observing the results of a bandwidth monitor, users are able to define what time their connection is the strongest and plan their Internet activity accordingly. This article will list a number of bandwidth monitors that are able to perform all Read More
The Coriolis effect is the tendency for a moving body that is on or above the Earth’s surface to drift sideways from its intended course due to the Earth’s rotation. The direction of drift is to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This is because the Earth’s surface rotates to the east at a faster speed near the equator than near the poles. Who Discovered the Coriolis Effect? French scientist, Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis, is given credit for first discovering the Coriolis effect by Read More
VB Tutorials This is your one stop Visual Basic tutorial resource guide that will teach you the basics in Visual Basic programming. This section contains information that will teach you right from scratch, how to make your very first program in Visual Basic. Windows Controls Tutorial This guide will give you a bird’s eye view of Windows Controls & its uses. A Windows control or the “control,” is an object in VB that allows users to interact with their computers. These are objects that we see on our screens that Read More
Business Process Integration (BPI) refers to the act of connecting technology systems that were not designed for integration in order to transfer information between different technology resources within an organization. BPI helps coordinate traditionally “stove piped” applications. This can improve overall efficiency and reduce costs. How Do Businesses Align Processes? Business Process Management (BPM) is a common approach used in industry. It focuses on aligning all technological and intrinsic aspects of an organization with its goals and customers' needs. It promotes efficiency and encourages flexibility, integration, and innovation by applying Read More
Step 1: Open the Picture in Photoshop which you want to convert into black and white. Step 2: Go to the Image menu and select Channel mixer option as shown below. Step 3: In the Channel Mixer Dialog box first click on Monochrome to make the picture black and white. This option just makes the picture black and white but now we need to enhance the picture. Step 4: To enhance the picture now move the three sliders in any direction till you get a good effect. Here, is the Read More
A member function with the same name as its class is called a constructor. It is used to initialize the objects of that class-type with a some initial value. If a class has a constructor, each of the objects of that class will be initialized before they are used within the program. A constructor for a class is needed, so that the compiler automatically initializes an object as soon as it is created. A class constructor is defined without any return-type. They are called whenever a program creates an object Read More
PKI Authorities consists of three different authorities that essentially make up a PKI system. These are the Registration Authority, Certification Authority and Certificate Directory. Registration Authority The jobs of the Registration Authority are to processes user requests, confirm their identities, and induct them into the user database. Certification Authority The tasks of a Certification Authority are to issue public key certificates and to attest that the public key embedded in it indeed belongs to the particular entity as stated in the certificate. The Certification Authority also has the right to Read More
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