eBook Software
In the modern world of fast-paced, instant-access information, nearly everything that makes up human society has been transferred or translated to the Internet. Music, news, politics, and entertainment are all readily accessible via the user’s computer. Another age-old source of information has also been converted to the cyber realm: books. Known as “ebooks”, nearly all books can be read online in the form of a PDF, Word, or Notepad document. To supplement these ebooks, software has been created to aid in the creation, distribution, and accessibility of ebooks. This article will explain what eBooks are, list their pros and cons, and list a number of programs that will help both the creator and reader of ebooks.
What are Ebooks
Ebooks are digital representations of actual documents. Ebooks include everything that a normal book would have but is formatted and organized in a way that Internet users can use and enjoy. Ebooks have a significant advantage over their paperback equivalents as they can be distributed to everyone in the world with a single click of a button. When combined with proper payment processing, eBooks can also be just as profitable as normal books. The downside to eBooks for the creator is that because eBooks are so easily accessible, it is difficult to combat media piracy and peer-to-peer networks that distribute the document for free.
EBook Compiler
Ebook Compiler is a professional-grade eBook creation software that allows users to create eBooks in multiple formats including HTML, PDF, and Word. It also includes a range of other features such as the ability to create unlimited ebooks, add startup messages at the beginning of each ebook, add a password to a specific part of the eBook or the eBook as a whole, and compress large ebooks. The software also allows the user to create a specific icon for each eBook and include information such as the writer’s name, business name, address, copyright information, or other such branding details. Users can also add startup messages, pictures, and decorative graphics to each ebook. Each eBook that the user creates also includes a built-in search engine so that their readers can easily jump to a specific point in the document. The software is based on a free trial but users are expected and encouraged to pay the $50 registration fee that also unlocks additional features.
Microsoft Reader
Microsoft Reader is a free, downloadable software that is available at Microsoft’s website. Microsoft Reader allows users to read and access eBooks on Windows-based devices such as desktop and laptop computers, tablet PCs, and Windows Mobile devices. Microsoft Reader includes a catalog of over 60,000 eBooks that users can access with a click of a button. Users should keep in mind that if an eBook charges an access fee, Microsoft Reader will not help the user read the eBook for free.
Desktop Author
Desktop Author is an eBook creation software that also allows users to create a number of other computer-based documents. Desktop Author is capable of creating ebooks, ebrochures, ecatalogs, presentations, photo albums, manuals, ecards, video albums, and reports. Desktop Author is available for download on a free trial basis while Desktop Author Pro can be purchased for $149.
EBook Starter
Ebook Starter is preferred over other eBook creation programs because it includes a step-by-step wizard that aids the user in how to assemble and distribute their ebooks. The software also includes a built-in text editor, eBook compiler, brand name creator, security functions, and a vast assortment of eBook templates that the user can choose from. Ebook Starter is available on a free demo version and can be purchased for $97.
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