Error 0x80070570 is an error message that is displayed in Windows 7 whenever a file or folder is corrupted or unreadable, especially files in the Windows Registry. Because these files are important to the computer’s performance and are a necessary component for processing routine tasks, a corrupted or unreadable file can cause the user’s computer to stop working properly or interfere with specific programs.


What Causes Error 0x80070570?

A wide variety of activities, the most common being a malicious software attack, can cause Error 0x80070570. Additionally, moving a file from a directory that has been deleted, erasing the contents of a file, or reformatting a file can all cause a file to become corrupted or unreadable. Likewise, programs that have left traces of themselves behind on a computer after being uninstalled can also become corrupted.


How to Fix Error 0x80070570

Error 0x80070570 can be fixed in a variety of ways. The first thing the user should do when he/she receives this message is restart his/her computer and see if he/she is still receiving the message. If so, the user can return the computer to a previous time or date by running the System Restore feature found in the Windows Control Panel. If this does not work, the user can run a program known as a “registry cleaner” in order to repair any conflicts. If none of these methods works, the user should backup his/her hard drive and reformat the computer by reinstalling Windows 7.