A chromatic aberration or distortion is a disturbance in an optical image in which colors tend to blend together and distort the image. Chromatic aberrations are produced because lenses have a different refractive index or the spot in which a beam of light is focused, for each wavelength of light. Chromatic aberrations can occur anywhere in an image, but are most common around boundaries that separate dark areas from light areas. Chromatic aberrations cause problems for many different sections of the art and photography industry and several techniques challenge them. Read More
GIMP an impressively powerful and freely-distributable Adobe Photoshop-alternative open-source application for digital image composition, authoring, retouching and processing. GIMP is short for GNU Image Manipulation Program}, and is licensed under a cost-free, GNU license. You can read up on the exact terms and conditions here: GNU General Public License. The GIMP operates on a wide range of platforms {including Mac, Linux and PC}, and in numerous languages, simply by changing the “LANG” environment variable to “en”, to view in English, for example. GIMP Image Manipulation Tips The following will help Read More
Photoshop is a very popular image editing software designed and distributed by Adobe that allows users to fully customize their images, modify them, and insert a wide variety of special effects. Photoshop is used by schools, businesses, and home users to enhance images, create ideal advertisements and marketing icons such as website banners and logos, and perform other image editing tasks. Photoshop has a wide variety of functions and can be used in very diverse ways. While Photoshop has too many features to list in one page, several of its Read More
OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is the most widely used API that is used for creating 2D and 3D computer graphics. It contains over 250 functions that allow users to draw three-dimension scenes from relatively basic primitives. It is most widely used in scientific visualization, information visualization, flight simulation, CAD and virtual reality. It was first developed in 1992 by Silicon Graphics Inc. Since then, it has been managed by the non-profit consortium known as Khronos Group. It’s direct competitor is Window’s Direct3D. Video game companies either choose to use OpenGL Read More
This simple step by step guide shows you how you can seamlessly blend two images together using Photoshop. STEP 1: Open the two images as separate documents in Photoshop. STEP 2: Now we will have to combine the two images into one document. This can be done by using the move tool "V" and dragging one image into the other document, the dragged image will make a new layer in the first one. STEP 3: To Add a mask Click on the add mask button as shown in the Read More
Step 1: Open any Image in photoshop and prepare it with the resolution and dimension you want in your final image. Step 2: First create a copy of your image by selecting the Layer via Copy option in the Layer Menu. Now we have 2 Layers first is Background while the second is Layer 1. Step 3: Select the Desaturate option from the Image Menu as shown below. This will make the photograph black and white. Step 4: Now we again make a duplicate copy of Layer 1 by again Read More
Vector images are a collection of individual objects rather than picture elements. A vector image can be composed of points that lines connect or nodes (control points) that Bezier curves connect. Vector Images: Advantages A mathematical equation defines each object inside a vector image. This means that vector images are not resolution dependent. Thus, each vector object is scalable and can generally be resized without any image quality loss. As such, vector images are ideal for graphics such as maps and company logos that often require scaling. However, it must Read More
3D texture (Three Dimensional Texture), also known as “volume texture,” is a logical extension of the traditional (and better known) 2D texture. In this context, a texture is simply a bitmap image that is used to provide surface coloring for a 3D model. A 3D texture can be thought of as a number of thin pieces of texture used to generate a three dimensional image map. 3D textures are typically represented by 3 coordinates. Generally, 3D textures are packed into a rectangular parallelepiped with each dimension constrained to a power Read More
Ray tracing is a process that involves tracing the path of light rays from the perspective of the beholder. It is one method of creating 3D graphics through the use of light. By making use of the path of light, one can create images with extraordinarily life-like or realistic effects. To render an image through ray tracing, there is a need for a ray tracing program which handles the full range of calculations needed to properly ‘render’ or portray each individual pixel or square of a designated scene. This program Read More
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is an image editing software that serves as a free alternative to Adobe Photoshop. While Photoshop is a household name, GIMP is equally popular in the digital art industry. This is because GIMP offers a wide variety of features that resemble Photoshop features in almost every way. GIMP is an ongoing project that is capable of performing all of the same tasks that Photoshop can and includes several features that Photoshop does not have. Educational facilities, artists, businesses, web designers, and home users who do Read More
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