
RAM (Random Access Memory)

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RAM (Random Access Memory) usually refers to “temporary” memory, meaning that when the system is shut down, the memory is lost. This is why the memory is considered “random,” as any piece of information can be circulated through the memory regardless of its location and relation to any other information within the RAM. The first of the many RAMs to come in the market was created in 1951 and was used until the late 1960s and early 1970s. Types of RAMs The most widely used RAMs today are SRAMs (static Read More

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SRAM (Static Random Access Memory)

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SRAM, or Static Random Access Memory, is a type of memory device that stores accessed files and commands in a semi-permanent chip that only empties itself of stored data when it is no longer being powered, i.e. when the computer is unplugged or turned off. SRAM differs from DRAM, or Dynamic Random Access Memory, which stores data even when the computer is unplugged, but must be refreshed regularly to empty old data. While SRAM is highly efficient and very convenient for quick access, it is mostly only used to store Read More

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