How to Create a Glass Picture Frame in PhotoShop
This tutorial will help you create a glass-looking picture frame in Photoshop.
First, draw a gradient in the background layer:
Next, create a red rectangular box:
Then apply this effect to the layer:
This will be the result:
Then duplicate the layer and flip it vertically to make it look like this:
Then draw this shape on a new layer and fill it with white:
Next, reduce the opacity:
Then again on a new layer fill a box with red to white gradient:
Reduce the opacity for this layer also:
This will be the result:
Apply these settings on the top layer:
Now create a new layer with a circular gradient on it:
Duplicate this layer:
Then select some part of the gradient as an image and press
Then select the rest of the image:
Apply this effect to the selected part:
This will be the effect:
Now place the picture in the picture frame:
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