Internet Explorer is a popular web browser by Microsoft that provides users with basic access to the web. Although Internet Explorer has been updated dozens of times since it was first released, now allowing users to create tabs, create multiple homepages, and perform a variety of other tasks, Internet Explorer has not changed its fundamental structure much in the past two decades. Internet Explorer was one of the first web browsers released to the public and has always been free.


Internet Explorer For Mac

Although Internet Explorer is a Microsoft product and was once reserved for PCs, it is now available for Macs and a variety of other operating systems. Internet Explorer For Mac can be found here, although Microsoft has discontinued it and it is considered faulty at best. Instead, Mac users are recommended to install Internet Explorer on a virtual Windows environment such as VirtualBox (which is free). Instructions for doing this can be found at



While Internet Explorer is a popular web browser and provides access to the Internet, there are many web browsers that provide a wider variety of features and are already designed for Mac, such as Camino, Opera, Firefox, and Safari.

For those who do like Internet Explorer, however, emulating Internet Explorer on a Mac allows them to achieve the best performance possible from combining the performance capabilities and sleek design of the Mac Operating System and the traditionalism of Internet Explorer.