JSP Tutorials

JSP is an acronym for Java Server Pages. It allows web developers to easily embed Java code(s) into an HTML or XML page to create cool dynamic web page. To know more about JSP, visit JavaServer Pages Technology website.

JSP Scriptlets Tutorials

This section covers topics on how to include scriptlets in JSP. Scriplets is a block of code that contains Java code that is executed everytime you invoke the JSP. You can write blocks of codes inside the JSP by simply placing the codes in between these<% and %> characters (this is just like an expression, but without the “= “sign at the beginning of the sequence).

JSP Cookies Tutorial

This is a guide that will teach you how to handle cookies in JSP. Here,  you will learn the technique on how to add cookies in a jsp page and show the value of that same cookie to the other JSP page. Cookies are pieces of information that our web servers send to the client browser. These are saved as a small text file inside our PC’s hard drive.JSP tutorials

JSP Sessions Tutorial

This is a useful tutorial that will show you how to track a session or multiple sessions between JSP pages. “Java Server Pages” provides an object “session” that user can use to save as a data specific that is particular to the user.

Reading Request Information Tutorial

Reading requests information can be done in JSP. Here int this section you will learn how to do just that. You will learn how to send a request to a wen server, request HTTP variables such as Content type, Remote address, Remote host,  etc.

JSP Date Tutorial

This is a simple tutorial that will show you how to create a dynamic JSP page that will show the current date and time. You will learn how to execute the Date() function of the java.util package which is used to print the current data and time.


This tutorial will show you how to use beans in Java Server Packages. These Java Beans (instance of a class) are the reusable components that are used to separate the business logic from the presentation logic.

Advanced form processing using JSP Tutorial

JSP allows you to create dynamic pages. Here, you will learn how to handle user registration form using JSP, and how powerful it is to process advanced form-handling implementation.

Disabling Session in JSP Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to disable session or multiple session creations in JSP pages.  Disabling sessions in JSP can improve the performance of your JSP container and the overall performance of your website.


Here in this section you will learn how to use TagLib in JSP. These “Tag Libraries” are used for componentizing the presentation level logic. They are some what similar to the “beans” except the fact that the Beans are mainly used to separate the Business logic.

Retrieving the data posted to a JSP file from HTML file Tutorial

This guide will show you how retrieve the data posted from a HTML file in JSP.  Here you will learn how to use the request.getParameter(“username”) code.