Mbps (Mega bits per second)
Mbps stands for megabits per second. This is the data transfer speed explained in megabits, the unit. Therefore, if someone were to have a Mbps of 25, that means it can move 25 megabits per second. A bit is a unit of data described by either a 1 or a 0. This is simple binary. Eight of these individual bits, when combined together, is equal to a byte. Everything that is done on a computer, whether typing an a or hitting the exclamation mark requires a byte. For example:
A = 01000001
a = 01100001
! = 00100001
To make things more confusing, megabits actually have two different meanings. When discussing storage, a megabit is equal to 1,048,576 bits. When discussing transfer rate, a megabit is equal to 1,000,000.
With this in mind, it can be taken a step further. Mbps stands for megabits per second. That means it can process 1,000,000 bits per second. However, when dealing with bytes which is the combined, it is important to note that there is MBps. This megabytes per second. Therefore, if 1 mbps is equal to 1,000,000 bits. 1 MBps is equal to 8 mbps. That means that it handles eight bits all as one rather than playing around with individual bits.
Why is This Important?
This is important to know when considering purchasing hardware. Often times, consumers will be deceived into believing they need to get a really strong Internet card. It might have a higher mbps, but if the router can't handle that, it'll only put out what it can handle. For example, if a internet card can read 107 mbps, but the router can only provide information at 50 mbps, the Internet card is only going to be used at a rate of 50 mbps. Therefore, it is typically important to upgrade both the router as well as the Internet card to ensure that maximum speed is being attained.
Finally, because technology is consistently expanding, it is advised to get the fastest possible component in budget. The reason for this is because the slower one purchases, the faster it becomes obsolete. Therefore, spending more means it'll last longer in regard to what technology can and cannot do at that point in time.
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