Bluetooth is a wireless communication protocol standard that allows wireless devices to communicate with other wireless devices in the area by using shortwave radio transmissions. Bluetooth is a relatively new technology but has quickly become integrated with most modern wireless devices, such as cell phones, PDAs, cameras, and virtually any device that is equipped with a Bluetooth adapter. Bluetooth allows users to share files such as pictures, audio clips, documents, and address book contacts and provides a very high level of security. What is an iPod Touch? The iPod Read More
An iPod can display its settings in various languages and can be programmed to any language of choice. If you make a mistake and need to reset the language settings, just follow these simple instructions. They note the english name of the options to select, but also describe how to locate them even when you cannot read the current language. Changing the Language on an iPod Nano The first task would be to remove your iPod from any computer it is attached to. Next go to the main menu by Read More
The iPod Touch is a portable media player that Apple created that has many of the same features as an iPhone. The device allows users to connect to a WiFi network, surf the Internet, send and receive email, and download and watch movies or listen to music. Similar to personal computers, the Apple engineers are constantly making corrections and adding functionality to the iOS that runs the software applications installed on the iPod Touch. When enough upgrades are created, the company releases a software or firmware update for the device. Read More
The iPod iPod is a portable media player created and sold by Apple Inc. It is by far the most popular and largest selling portable media player till date. iPod stores media files on a built-in hard drive. It has a number of add-on features such as address book, alarm clock, text reader, games, photo slideshow viewer and so on. Video content can also be viewed on an iPod. It has a maximum storage capacity of 160 GB. The iPod range presently includes the following: iPod Classic iPod Touch iPod Read More
All generations of the iPod Touch feature a 3.5-inch (diagonal) touchscreen. The first and second generation of the iPod Touch is available in 8 GB, 16 GB and 32 GB sizes. The third generation of iPod Touch is available in 32 GB and 64 GB sizes. Immediately, this tells you that if you have a 64GB iPod Touch, it is third-generation. How to Tell if your iPod Touch is First-Generation The first-generation iPod Touch is identifiable by its antennae cover, on the back of the device. If your device has Read More
The iPod was first introduced by Apple in 2001 as a portable music playing device. It has evolved to being a fully integrated, portable multimedia player. The iPod Classic model uses a hard-drive to store media files while the other models on the market such as the iPod Touch, iPod Shuffle, and iPod Nano use flash memory to save music and videos, which allows the devices to be a smaller size. Video Capture Software The first step to putting YouTube videos on an iPod is to use a video capture Read More
The iPod equalizer or the "EQ" is a perfect way to control the quality of the music and the tone in which it is played back. Apple, Inc. included the EQ function on its music player in order to improve the quality and sound of the music heard. When the iPod is first purchased, it will contain equalizer presets that the user can choose to boost a song's sound quality. The settings for the equalizer can be changed under the "Settings" menu, and if you would like to change the Read More
When resetting an iPod, all of the music and files on the iPod are safe. However, some of the settings such as time and date might be lost after doing a reset. But if your iPod freezes, you will have to reset the device. How to Reset an iPod With a Click Wheel To reset an iPod with a click wheel–iPod Nano 1-5 generations, iPod classic, iPod 5th generation, iPod with color display, or iPod mini 1-2–toggle the hold button from on and then to off. After doing this, simultaneously Read More
The iPod is a handheld digital device used for storing, transferring, and playing music and video files. There are several different models but they all have a similar basic design which consists of a “click-wheel”, a screen, and a lock/unlock switch at the top that prevents the controls from being accidentally activated. The earlier models of the iPod consisted of a hard drive but as technology improved, the newer models were equipped with flash memory, which can be found in any USB-based device. Flash memory allowed for the iPod to Read More
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