The original, and still the best, method for finding security vulnerabilities in source code is to read and understand the source code. Source code security vulnerabilities will vary between languages and platforms. Items to look for in C code include: Potential vulnerability Function calls to examine for vulnerabilities Buffer overflows gets(), scanf(), sprintf(), strcat(), strcpy() Format string vulnerabilities printf(), fprintf(), vprintf(), snprintf(), vsnprintf(), syslog() Race conditions access(), chown(), chgrp(), chmod(), mktemp(), tempnam(), tmpfile(), tmpnam() Random number acquisition vulnerabilities rand(), random() Shell metacharacter vulnerabilities exec(), popen(), system() Automated Source Code Security Read More
A Java class is a group of Java methods and variables. Each Java source code file can contain one public class. The name of this public class must match the name of the Java source code file. If the public class is called “ballistics,” then the filename would be “” Example Java Class class Ammunition { int diameter; int length; String name; } Java Superclass A Java superclass is a class which gives a method or methods to a Java subclass. A Java class may be either a subclass, a Read More
Java is a free-to-download programming language that is utilized in a variety of programs, such as computer games and 3D mapping technology. It can also be used to create small programs, called “applets,” that can be embedded in web pages. If you’re looking to install Java on your Linux-based computer, you have several options: First, download the latest version of Java: Manual Non-RPM method This method does not required administration rights and allows you to install multiple versions of Java on the same computer After downloading Java, switch to Read More
Stack and queue are data structures whose elements are ordered based on the sequence in which they have been inserted. The pop operation retrieves the last element inserted, and the remove operation retrieves the first element inserted. If there is an intrinsic order among the elements themselves (for example, numeric order or alphabetic order), it is ignored in the stack or queue operations. The priority queue is a data structure in which the intrinsic ordering of the elements does determine the result of its basic operations. There are two types Read More
COBOL is a third generation programming language (3GL), is also one of the oldest programming languages that is still in use today. COBOL is an acronym that stands for Common Business-Oriented Language. Its primary use is in the fields of business, finance, and administrative systems for various companies and governments. It also is responsible for some of the back end computing behind online financial transaction and payroll services. The idea, COBOL, was formulated by the Short Range Committee, an assortment of computer manufacturer and government agency officials, as a solution Read More
Java and JavaScript are two different programming languages which have similar names and share similar syntax. Java is a complete object oriented programming language which is designed to create applets or stand-alone applications. JavaScript is a more simple programming language which is designed to create scripts for use on the World Wide Web. Java bytecode is executed by the Java Virtual Machine. JavaScript scripts are interpreted by JavaScript-aware web browers, such as Firefox and Internet Explorer.
The former method discussed is quite inefficient. Let us see if a more efficient method to compute path can be produced. Let us define the matrix path k such that path k [i][j] is true if and only if there is a path from node i to node j that does not pass through any nodes numbered higher than k (except, possibly, for i and j themselves). How can the value of path k+ J [i][j] be obtained from path k? Clearly for any i and j such that path Read More
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