A fullerene is a third form of the carbon molecule that falls in between graphite and diamond. It was named for Richard Buckminster Fuller, who was well known for geodesic dome designs whose appearance closely resembled spherical fullerenes. A Fullerene’s carbon atoms may be arranged in a cylindrical, ellipsoid, or spherical form. The spherical fullerenes are called “Buckyballs,” while the cylindrical ones are known as “Buckytubes” or “nanotubes.” When were Fullerenes Discovered? A group of researchers discovered fullerenes at Rice University while they were conducting laser spectroscopy experiments in September, Read More
Spintronics is an emerging technology that deals with the intrinsic spin of an electron and the associated magnetic moment in solid-state devices. The technology is also referred to as magneto electronics or spin transport electronics. Current research is focused on the development of a new generation of spintronic devices that will be more robust and versatile than those currently contained in circuit elements and silicon chips. How does Spintronics Work? A spintronic device has a basic scheme. First, information is stored into spins as an orientation (i.e. up or down). Read More
Nanoyarn is strings of yarn made out of carbon nanotubes that, according to some researchers and one company, can be made to the length of one kilometer. Considering a nanometer is one billionth of a meter, it has left some in disbelief at the ability of creating such strong and durable sheets of nanoparticles that, when formed together, can create incredible structures. What are Carbon Nanotubes? Carbon nanotubes are tubes of carbon atoms that are only about 1 nanomater in length. When looking at a carbon nanotube at the atomic Read More
As the name implies, nanowires are one-dimensional wires measured in nanometers; that is, their diameter is no more than just a few 0.000000001 meters (0.000000001 meter corresponds to 1 nanometer which is around a thousandth of a single strand of human hair). At the nano-dimension, quantum mechanics applies since the nanowires are so fine that normal (or Newtonian-scale) physics could not be relied upon to explain their behavior. Manufacturing the Nanowire Nanowires are manufactured from different materials. Thus, there are wires with different properties that have been acquired from the Read More
Nanoglue is a specially designed adhesive that is made to bond almost any kind of material that could be found today. It is mainly based on the concept of utilizing a substance that contains nanoscale chains capable of arranging or assembling themselves. Compared to other relevant materials, nanoglue tends to be cheaper to produce. In the instance that the nanoglue has been set, it would be able to withstand temperatures that are high enough to destroy or ruin other similar materials used in comparable applications. The said adhesive's molecular bonds Read More
The word nanotechnology is a combination of the two terms "nano" and "technology." From this alone, it is apparent that nanotechnology is an application of scientific concepts at the level of molecules and particles, the sizes of which fall within the range of 1 to 100 nanometers. In a nutshell, nanotechnology refers to functional engineering at the level of molecules. Specifically, it is the deliberate application of production processes and technology at the molecular level in the order to achieve a desired result, to manufacture materials and consumables with unique Read More
A ferrofluid is a metallic liquid that becomes magnetized when placed in a magnetic field. Ferrofluids are made up of clumps of iron nanoparticles that are evenly placed throughout a carrier fluid such as water or organic solvent. These clumps all work together to create a response to a magnetic field, consequently creating a very strong magnetic bond. Ferrofluids should not be confused with magnetorheological fluids, which solidify when exposed to a magnetic field. How a Ferrofluid Works Ferrofluids are made up of clumps of nanoscale particles of a metal Read More
Nanopollution refers to the waste matter or byproducts of nanoscopic device or material manufacture. Nanoscopic device or material manufacturing processes leave behind nanoparticles (smaller than a billionth of a meter) which can infiltrate the cells of humans, animals and all living organisms that may be unprepared for the influx of artificial particles. A 1941 study from Johns Hopkins Hospital discovered that nanoscopic particles, when inhaled, could make their way into the brain via the olfactory tract. This raises some concerns about the possible health risks connected to the recent developments Read More
A nanobot is an extremely small robot that operates on a microscopic scale. Originally spoken of in science fiction circles, there has been an increased focus on it in biological and robotics research. The term nanorobot was created by combining the terms robot and nanometer. Other common names for robots of this size include nanobots, nanomites, and nanites with sizes ranging from 0.01 to 0.1 micrometers. Currently, most nanobot research is being done in the medical and military fields. The more the technology develops, the greater the number of potential Read More
Nanomachines (nanites) are small computers that are measured in nanometers and can perform tasks on a molecular level. They are relatively new, and while only a theory just a few years ago, they are quickly being integrated into a wide variety of industries and products. It has been projected that within one or two decades, nanomachines will make it possible to do many new things such as decipher the human genome, change the flavor of any food on demand, and create body armor that is both stronger and lighter than Read More
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