Accelerometers are electromechanical devices that measure the force of acceleration. This force can be dynamic (i.e the accelerometer being moved or vibrations cause it) or static (such as the force of gravity) in nature. The devices have a number of uses, such as determining the device angle or aspect with respect to the Earth, determining whether a vehicle or other structure is moving horizontally, and vibration measurement. How are Accelerometers Used? Accelerometers help engineers and mechanics determine problems in vehicle engines through vibration analysis. They determine existing damage as well Read More
Ellipsometry is an optical technique used to investigate thin films’ dielectric properties (complex refractive index or dielectric function). Ellipsometry has many different applications. It can be used in semiconductor physics, microelectronics, biology, basic research, and industrial applications. This measurement technique’s sensitivity gives it an unequaled ability for measuring thin film. When analyzing the polarization of light, ellipsometry provides information about layers that are much thinner than probing light’s wavelength. It can even go down to a single atomic layer and can also probe the refractive index and/or dielectric function tensor. Read More
Plasma gasification is a new garbage disposal solution using plasma technology. This garbage disposal process is self-sustaining and converts garbage into electricity. Although plasma technology has been around for years, its application to garbage disposal was never seriously considered because the conventional approach of using landfills was less expensive (even with tipping fees and transportation costs). It was only recently, with landfills in scarce supply and fuel costs constantly rising, that the plasma gasification process has merited deeper consideration. Plasma Technology The basics of plasma technology are straightforward. A high Read More
Interferometry is a series of techniques that uses a series of superimposed electromagnetic waves to extract data and other insights regarding the waves. The device used to measure the waves is an interferometer. Interferometry is primarily used in the fields of fiber optics, engineering metrology, optical metrology, seismology, oceanography, astronomy, particle and nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, bio-molecular interactions, and remote sensing. How does Interferometry Work? Interferometry provides a high resolution depiction of the spatial relationships for specified wavelengths. Two or more radio antenna that a known distance separates collect electromagnetic Read More
A nanotube is a cylinder made up of atomic particles and whose diameter is around one to a few billionths of a meter (or nanometers). They can be made from a variety of materials. Nanotubes are believed to be stronger than steel, but more flexible than plastic, and they also exhibit excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. These nanotubes offer the potential to be a fantastic industrial component that could be used to further strengthen infrastructure that we build. More importantly, though, is how they might appear in chips and electrical wiring in Read More
The transmission electron microscope (TEM) is a scientific instrument that uses electrons instead of light to scrutinize objects at very fine resolutions. They were developed in the 1930s when scientists realized that electrons can be used instead of light to "magnify" objects or specimens under study. TEMs provided a means to go beyond the magnification and resolution limits of light microscopes, allowing for magnification of up to 100,000x and resolutions in the nanometer range. Uses of the Transmission Electron Microscope The TEM has its primary uses in metallurgy (or the Read More
There are many different kinds of energy but the single most widely used in society as well as in nature is chemical energy. Chemical energy allows energy to be stored for later use and it is also easy to access. Without chemical energy, many of the luxuries and even basic necessities that people have grown accustomed to would not be possible such as vehicular transportation, food, clean air, and battery-operated devices. This article will explain what chemical energy is and how it is used in nature and society. What is Read More
In simple terms, an optical illusion is caused by the structure of both the eye and brain and how they work together. Because of the anatomical make up of the eye and the complexity of the way images of transmitted from the eye to the brain, optical illusions are not as rare as one might consider. The Anatomy of the Eye The eye has two types of receptors on it (cones and rods) that pick up different bits of information on image. Around the retina, these cones and rods rest, Read More
A Peltier Cooler or Peltier Heat Pump is a type of refrigerator that has no moving parts and is capable of transferring heat to either side of itself. Peltier Coolers are advantageous as they are solid state devices and only require a DC electrical current in order to cool an object or area. A Peltier Cooler is the opposite of a thermoelectric generator as it converts electricity into a temperature difference, rather than a temperature difference into electricity. Peltier Coolers are used for various purposes and can be seen in Read More
Augmented reality is one of the newest innovations in the electronics industry. It superimposes graphics, audio and other sense enhancements from computer screens onto real time environments. Augmented reality goes far beyond the static graphics technology of television where the graphics imposed do not change with the perspective. Augmented reality systems superimpose graphics for every perspective and adjust to every movement of the user's head and eyes. Development of the needed technology for augmented reality systems, however, is still underway within the laboratories of both universities and high tech companies. Read More
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