When there is a set number of bits associated with a computer CPU, that number refers to the total number of bits that the processor can use or transmit at once. For computer microprocessors, the number of bits also indicates how wide the computer registers are. 64 bit CPUs can address and process data that is represented by 64 bits as a result. When 64 bit computers were first released, a common issue that arose was the lack of 64-bit software that could take advantage of the new features available Read More
Computer Aided Design
Computer-aided design programs, also known as CAD programs, are computer software programs that allow you to use the computer in order to design anything imaginable. CAD programs are generally marketed towards a specific type of design, whether that is bridge design, boat design, automechanics, architecture, or a wide variety of other types of CAD designs. In this article, we will go over how CAD works and several prime examples of CAD software. What is Computer Aided Design Computer-aided Design, or CAD, is an example of software that allows the user Read More
Free Audio Mixing Programs
Creating one’s own unique audio mixes can be quite enjoyable. Fortunately, no one has to spend money to get good audio mixing software. Here are some examples of audio mixing software that are available for download at no charge. Audacity Audacity is a good audio mixing software package for anyone who does not know much about audio mixing. While the software is reputed to be for professional mixing, the screens that allow users to manipulate the audio files on hand are easy to follow and even allow them to try Read More
Computer Diagnostics
One of the biggest factors that lead to poor computer performance is simply lack of knowledge about the computer in question. Technical skills aside, it is extremely important that users are able to recognize problems with their computer and associate those problems with common computer glitches, viruses, double entry of files, and missing files that may confuse or complicate some computer processes. Fortunately, users can take advantage of computer diagnostics software that can recognize and fix these problems without the user needing any kind of technical knowledge or experience. This Read More
Free Photo Editing Software
GIMP GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. GIMP is a free and open source program for tasks such as photo retouching, image composition, and image authoring. It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc. GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest Read More
Free Recording Software
Recording software refers to a type of program that is able to record audio, text, or video. There are many different types of recording software and most conveniently have several different features bundled together. The most common type of recording software is used to record audio with the aid of a microphone or other audio source. However, software for recording emails, cursor movements, and accessed files exist. While many recording programs have a fee associated with them or have to be purchased, there are several recording programs that are completely Read More
How to Edit PDF Files
PDF, or Portable Document Format, is a document format that allows users to compile text in a book format. PDF often includes a page counter, scroll options, a highlighting feature, and a “jump to page” option that allows users to simply type in the number of a particular page and go to it. PDF is the standard for e books, manuals, and tutorials and can even be used for cartoons. How to Edit a PDF File PDF files are created and edited with Adobe Acrobat. Unfortunately, you cannot edit PDF Read More
Free Logo Design Software
FMSLogo A Logo programming environment for MS-Windows operating systems. FMSLogo (contrasted with other Logo dialects) has an easy-to-use GUI that encourages learning, especially for young children. FMSLogo was once called MSWLogo. Lhogo Lhogo is a modern implementation of the Logo programming language, providing reasonable compatibility with older Logos, 3D graphics in real time, and user friendly OOP support. Liogo (beta) Liogo is a Logo Compiler for .NET. Liogo compile Logo files to .NET IL EXE or DLL. So, Liogo results could be launched directly on Windows and via Mono runtime Read More
Free CD Burning Software
Disc Bone DiscBone is a networked CD burner. It can burn CD or DVD, and supports currently the following features disc copy, ISO burning and Data CD creation/burning. arson2 A KDE frontend to CD burning, and CD ripping tools, as well as encoders, decoders, and other audio tools. Currently supports many popular audio formats (decoding/burning, and ripping/encoding), as well as data burning, and basic image creation. LetItBurn! LetItBurn! is aimed at providing a real open source multiplateform CD/DVD burning software. The graphical toolkit is based on wxwidget and the language Read More
OCR Software
OCR, or Optical Character Recognition, software is a class of programs that allow a computer to read symbols and other printed marks on a piece of paper. OCR software is always combined with scanner software as well as the scanner itself and is often considered to be the same thing as scanner software. Without OCR software, a scanner would not be able to recognize boundaries, letters, numbers, sketches, or other characters on a piece of paper. This article will list a number of OCR programs. FreeOCR FreeOCR combines the powerful Read More
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