An ultracapacitor are a type of electrochemical capacitor that has an incredibly energy density. Known as electric double-layer capacitors, ultracapacitors are able to last much longer than normal batteries and therefore, can continue providing a charge for an incredible amount of time after a normal capacitor or battery would have died out.

Why Use an Ultracapacitor?

One of the big issues with the hybrid car industry is that they have a large battery inside of them. This is beneficial because it doesn't use as much gasolone; however, these batteries don't last for an incredible length of time and therefore, the car owner has to replace the battery semi-regularly. So, while they are saving money on gasoline, they are making up for it by having to buy new batteries.

Some companies are hoping that they will be able to make their ultracapacitor in such a way that it will work in automobiles. What this would do is provide a similar charge (batteries are stronger, but the technology is still evolving), but have it last for a much longer amount of time. This would mean that the person would have to change the capacitor a lot less often and therefore, save a considerable amount of money in the long run.Ultracapacitors

Another beneficial reason to use ultracapacitors is that they are cleaner. A battery requires a chemical reaction to get the desired power from them. This can be dangerous, especially if the battery breaks because battery acid is incredibly dangerous. With an ultracapacitor, there is no worry about this and therefore, it is much safer and cleaner.

Disadvantages to Ultracapacitors?

There are a few disadvantages when considering using ultracapacitors. The first and main disadvantage is the fact that they don't hold nearly as much power as conventional batteries do. What this means is that, while the ultracapacitor will last much longer, it doesn't carry as much initially and therefore, is unable to provide the needed power that some applications needed.

With that comes the fact that it can't carry the same voltages as regular batteries. With this low working voltage, it is only able to be used on some applications rather than all.

The good news is that the research is continuing to be funded and companies are making their push to get ultracapacitors into the mainstream. They feel that ultracapacitors will be able to provide considerable amounts of energy and, in the long run, cut the cost for users.