WAMP is a mini-server that runs on almost any Windows Operating System. WAMP has Apache 2, PHP 5 (SMTP ports are disabled), and MySQL (phpMyAdmin and SQLitemanager are installed to manage the user’s databases) pre-installed.

An icon on the taskbar tray displays WAMP’s status, which lets the user know if: a) WAMP is running but no services are opened (the icon will appear red), b) WAMP is running and one service is opened (the icon will appear yellow), or c) WAMP is running with all services opened (the icon will appear white). Apache and MySQL are considered to be services. They can be disabled by left-clicking the taskbar icon, placing the cursor over the service to be disabled, and selecting “Stop Service.”

The files/web pages that are hosted on a WAMP server can be accessed by typing http://localhost/ or in the web browser’s address bar. WAMP must be running in order to access either of the above addresses.

To share files/web pages with others, click the icon on the taskbar tray and select “Put Online.” The user must have access to the Internet in order to continue.

Send one’s IP address to the people that will be given access to the files/web pages hosted on one’s WAMP server. One’s IP address can be found here:

[One’s IP address and browser details]

Users that have dial-up Internet or a dynamic IP Address (one that changes often) need to keep the people that have the users’ IP Address updated every time the users connect to the Internet.

Download WAMPServer from WampServer.com.