A MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) is a device that switches or amplifies an electronic signal. MOSFET technology has made computers much smaller and more efficient than they once were by handling large amounts of electricity in very small spaces. MOSFETs are also crucial for both digital and analog signals and are found in microprocessors, integrated circuits, and other logic-based devices. How a MOSFET Works MOSFET transistors consist of a semiconductive layer and a metal layer that oxygen separates. These layers can also be referred to as source, Read More
HD Radio
HD Radio offers a new and better way to broadcast radio programs. The "HD" in HD radio is a trademarked brand name that's given by its developer and that doesn't stand for anything. HD Radio technology is developed without any intention to replace traditional FM and AM radio broadcast. HD Radio is currently being broadcast along with conventional FM and AM signals. The main difference of HD Radio compared to Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM) is the form of signal that it uses to carry information. Both AM Read More
Packet Radio
Packet radio is a type of digital data transmission which is most commonly used to link two computers together. It is based on the X.25 protocol used previously by amateur radio enthusiasts. The new generation of this technology as it is used in packet radio is known as the AX.25 data link layer. Packet radio gets its name from the technology behind it. A type of technology known as packet switching is the primary driving force of packet radio. Packets, or small bits of information, are switched between nodes, such Read More
Rainfade refers to a phenomenon that occurs during strong rain or snowfall in which satellite signals are prevented from reaching their destination. Rainfade may also refer to extensive cloud cover, strong winds, or any other environmental effect that distorts a satellite broadcast, but is most often observed during rainfall. Rainfade may also refer to the slow speeds of WiFi and other wireless data transmissions during storms or other undesirable weather conditions that are caused by the same effects. Rainfade can be an irritating and troublesome effect if a satellite company Read More
Pulsation Dampeners
A pulsation dampener is a device that can reduce or eliminate the intermittent gaps left in a pressurized system during the system’s discharge stroke. Pulsation dampeners are made for a variety of applications and can be used in virtually all pressurized devices to protect hardware, decrease maintenance costs, decrease down time, increase performance, and increase efficiency. Pulsation dampeners are often used in electronic or mechanical devices that work underwater or in other pressurized environments. While vibrations and hydraulic shock do not usually damage these types of systems, long-term exposure to Read More
How to Install a Car Audio System
Those on a tight budget and would like to save possibly hundreds of dollars on installation costs and those who would like to customize their car audio system may want to install the car audio system themselves. Whatever the reason, it is quite easy to install a car audio system and here are some tips. What is a Car Audio System? Before installing a car audio system, it is best to define what a car audio system is. Usually, a car audio system includes a car stereo, sometimes referred to Read More
BGA (Ball Grid Array)
BGA (Ball Grid Array) is one type of packaging for surface-mounted integrated electronic circuits (integrated circuits whose components are actually ‘mounted’ or affixed on the surface of the printed circuit semiconductor board). A BGA package simply looks like a thin wafer of semi-conducting material that has circuit components on only one face. The Ball Grid Array package is called such because it is basically an array of metal alloy balls arranged in a grid. Ball Grid Array versus Pin Grid Array There is one other common packaging for integrated circuits Read More
What is a Clock Generator?
A clock generator is a type of circuit that produces a continuous, synchronized electrical signal for timing purposes in a wide variety of devices. Because many high end electronic equipment require that electrical signals and mechanical devices work together in an efficient manner, clock generators are often a necessary component in many devices in order to ensure that all other components work harmoniously. How Clock Generators Work Clock generators are generally made of a quartz or ceramic piezo-electric circuit board that includes an oscillator and an amplifier. As the Read More
How Radios Work
Although radios have become less and less of a household commodity due to television, Internet, and media players, they are still used on a daily basis by millions of people worldwide. We tend to take these little devices, which we find in our cars, offices, or homes, for granted, but rarely think about how they actually work. AM and FM radios are the common type of radios we find in our homes. They communicate by means of radio waves – hence the name – which is the lowest frequency of the Read More
IDU (In-Door Unit)
An IDU, or In-Door Unit, is a telecommunication device that is used in satellite television and Internet service to receive and decode satellite transmissions. An IDU is a box that connects to the user’s television and/or router and contains a built-in satellite receiver that may also be connected to a satellite dish on the roof or exterior wall of the user’s home. An IDU is responsible for receiving the satellite signals broadcasted by the user’s satellite service provider and decoding them in order to provide the user with satellite television Read More
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