Bump mapping is a graphics technique that is similar to texture mapping. Its primary purpose is to make a surface appear rough, while texture mapping adds color to a visual polygon. Bump mapping adds significant detail to an object that would normally require many polygons to create a similar visual effect. It uses a minimal amount of computer resources to render the object visually. Bump maps are sometimes referred to as texture maps that are depicting light direction on the image. How does Bump Mapping Work? The bump mapping technique Read More
HSV (Hue, Saturation and Value) – defines a type of color space. It is similar to the modern RGB and CMYK models. The HSV color space has three components: hue, saturation and value. ‘Value’ is sometimes substituted with ‘brightness’ and then it is known as HSB. The HSV model was created by Alvy Ray Smith in 1978. HSV is also known as the hex-cone color model. Hue In HSV, hue represents color. In this model, hue is an angle from 0 degrees to 360 degrees. Angle Color 0-60 Red 60-120 Read More
3D graphics use anisotropic filtering to enhance the image quality of textures on sloped, rendered surfaces. The technique eliminates polygon aliasing, which causes pixelated or jagged polygons in 3D graphics. Additionally, the anisotropic filtering technique reduces the blurring of sloped textures and is the successor to previously used techniques such as bi-linear and tri-linear filtering. It does not change the shape of the polygon to which the texture is applied to achieve these effects. It only modifies the manner in which the textures are mapped and subsequently displayed in the Read More
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a lossy compression technique for color pictures. Pronounced "jay-peg", JPEG is an ISO/IEC group of experts that creates and maintains standards for a suite of compression algorithm for computer image files. JPEG standards help image files to be compressed to around five percent of their original size, though some details are lost during compression. The commonly used file extensions for th JPEG format are .jpg, .jpeg, .jfif, .or jpe. The extension JPEG specifies only how an image is transformed into a stream of bytes. Read More
RGB stands for the three primary colors of light – Red, Green, and Blue. RGB can be described as the computer’s native color space for capturing images and displaying them. As human eyes are sensitive to these primary colors – red, green, and blue – all colors are perceived as a combination of these three colors. The RGB color model, based on a Cartesian coordinate system, is considered as an addictive model in which red, green, and blue, are combined in several methods to reproduce all other colors. In the Read More
Bitmap images are a map or a collection of individually colored, minute dots or pixels (picture elements) that are arrayed in a matrix or grid. Since each individual pixel is too small for the naked eye to perceive without the help of magnification, an array of these pixels forms a perceivably smooth graphic image. Resizing Bitmap Images The quality of a bitmap image depends mainly on its resolution, which is the number of dots or pixels per inch of space. Therefore, resizing bitmap images result in poorer image quality. Decreasing Read More
Photoshop is a popular graphics design software that Adobe provides. It allows users to create a wide variety of images from scratch or modify an existing image with a large assortment of tools and features. The most common technique used in Photoshop is putting one picture into another, something that other graphics editing programs cannot do correctly. Cropping The first step for putting one picture into another is cropping. Cropping refers to the ability to select a specific item within an image so that it can be edited without Read More
Step 1: Open a picture in photoshop. Step 2: First make a copy of this picture, so that if you mess up then you have something to go back to. To make a copy of the picture just click on it and then drag it to the ‘Create a new layer’ icon on the layer palette as shown below. Step 3: Select the Hue/Saturation option from the Image Menu to change the hue/saturation to a desired level. Click on the colorize option as shown below. Step 4: After you have Read More
An anaglyph or stereoscopic image is an image in which the illusion of depth is produced by offsetting two copies of the same image in two different colors. Anaglyphs are commonly known as “3D images” and are routinely used for entertainment, science, and medical purposes. How Anaglyphs Works Anaglyphs work by layering two separate copies of the same image so that the left eye sees one copy and the right eye sees the other. While the two images are layered on top of one another, they are always in different Read More
In the world of art and animations, there are many different programs that the user can use in order to create realistic and detailed digital images. These programs often have limited functionality, however, and can only create 2D images. When the user wants to create a more artistic image, he/she needs software that is able to create 3D images. This article will list a number of such programs that are able to not only create 3D images, but also enhance the user's art by providing a number of additional features Read More
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