To redirect from one webpage to another, often, the HTML redirect is used. This redirect is one of the more widely used redirect techniques as it is the most supported and compatible.

Implementing the HTML Redirect

As it is an HTML redirect, your whole HTML document will need to be in this code:

Note that you should change the destination of the redirection from “” to your own for the redirection page to work correctly.

Modifying the Code to Suit Your Needs

Notice that in your redirection code, it says “content=”0;url=”.” The number in front of the url is the number of seconds before the redirection will occur.

Uses of the HTML Redirect and Its Strengths

The biggest pro of the HTML redirect is that it is compatible with all browsers and search engines will also be able to crawl through it. This allows you to safely change the URL of your whole site or even a simple page without the fear of losing visitors.

HTML redirect is also known to be “abused” by people trying to “trick” the Search Engine. However, this should be cautioned and noted as it could result in the Search Engine banning your entire webpage, which would be of an even greater loss to you.